JULY 2023
A Private Tour of the "Art of the Dog Collar" Exhibition at AKC Museum of the Dog
Hosted by Gem X Core Alan Fausel, Esteemed Art Scholar, Curator and Appraiser
The AKC @museumofthedog hosted us for a private tour of “Identity and Restraint: Art of the Dog Collar” showcasing the evolution of function, design and adornment of the collar.
Led by curator Alan Fausel, we toured the museum and discussed the relationship between humans and their canine companions. From fanciful to fierce, we viewed specialty collars made for hunting and sport, messenger collars worn by German Shepherds during WWII, and decorative collars with bells to alert owners to their dogs location. Some donned spikes on thick bands, while others sported feathers, jewels, and decorative chains. Bow WOW!