Both Sides of the Rare Coins Used in Jewelery
Hosted by Giuliano Russo and Melena Lazazzeera
We’ve adored jewelry set with coins for a long time – think Bulgari Moneti collection or Hemmerle’s 1893 Deutsche Mark earrings – but how often do we look behind the jewels to the coins themselves? Last week, a group of jewelry lovers in London had the rare opportunity to learn about the flip side of the rare coins used in jewelry and to gain insight into the often exclusive world of numismatics, thanks to our extraordinary host Giuliano Russo of @numismaticaarsclassicanac who was joined by the amazing writer @milenalazzazera.
We got to hold conquerors like Alexander the Great in the palms of our hands, discuss history and patinas, and learn about coin collecting. Perhaps best of all, we got to marvel at these works of art and historic artifacts – once worth only what they could buy and now worth far more than their weight in gold. Thank you Giuliano and Milena!